Guildford Grammar School - Techcentre


Bring your own device Program 2024

Modified on: Mon, 8 Jul 2024 09:50

At Guildford Grammar School, students bring their own computing devices to school, enabling our teaching staff to craft and deliver lessons using cutting-edge and innovative technologies.

Students joining Guildford Grammar School from Years 7 to 12 are required to purchase a device for academic use. While this device can be procured from any supplier, it must meet our minimum specifications as detailed in the Suitable Device Guidelines.

Suitable Device Guidelines 

Hardware Type
Windows Laptop or MacBook or iPad Air 5
Operating System
macOS (13.0) or Windows 10 (build 21H2) / Windows 11(build 21H2) or iPad iOS
Storage Capacity
Screen Size
9.7 inches Diagonal
Battery Life
Enough to last the school day
Wireless 802.11n with 5GHz capability USB-C (Windows) or Thunderbolt (MacOS) port
as required
No more than 2.5KG
Extended 3-year warranty
All students will receive Microsoft office and other associated apps as necessary. 
Other items
Protective bag and case while out of bag.             
Virus Protection 
Suitable virus protection is required on the device before it can access the network

Extended Warranties and Insurance

At Guildford Grammar School, we advise families to give special consideration to the warranty accompanying the device. It's often beneficial to opt for an extended warranty, preferably for three years, which includes coverage for accidental damages. This not only offers value but also peace of mind. We also suggest families to revisit their home contents insurance, as it might already encompass coverage against theft or damages to their child's device, irrespective of where the incident takes place.

Note: A recent ASIC regulation prohibits the immediate sale of add-on insurance products when purchasing a consumer product. This includes extended warranties that cover accidental damage. There must be a three-day cooling-off period before such add-on insurance products can be procured. Due to this, Apple has temporarily halted the sale of their AppleCare+ product. However, other manufacturers provide opportunities to acquire extended warranties with 'accidental damage' protection post the three-day interval. Until there's more clarity from ASIC and manufacturers, we recommend ensuring that damages to computers/laptops are covered under your home contents insurance.

Care and Maintenance

The device students bring to Guildford Grammar School is intended mainly for educational use. While on campus, only applications endorsed by our teaching staff are allowed. Although students can use the device for other purposes at home, any content or application that interferes with its primary educational function the school will contact parents and request it be removed. 

Student Responsibilities

Tech Centre Support

Should a student require Tech Centre assistance, Guildford Grammar School offers an Information Technology helpdesk, located in the Senior Library, to address most software concerns and offer advice. However, please be aware that our IT team cannot assist with physical damage to devices. The Tech Centre does have limited support options relating to major operating system upgrades or significant malware/virus issues when virus protection is not found on the device.  

Keeping Updates

No matter the age of the device, all students are expected to keep their macOS or Windows versions current – this includes both security patches and major version updates. For significant software releases, we advise waiting a few months post-release to allow any potential bugs to be resolved before updating. From time to time a notice will be sent to students if a critical security risk is found and updates are required. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How will students be catered for if they forget their device or do not have one?

For Senior School students, please note that there are no loan devices available from the School Library. Preparatory School students will continue to have access to the laptop trolleys designated for each year group. These laptops are strictly for in-classroom use and cannot be taken home.

Do I need to purchase Microsoft Office?

All enrolled students are entitled to access Microsoft Office 365, which allows them to download the latest version of Microsoft Office on their own device.

Do I need to purchase antivirus software?

Each device on the BYOD scheme must have antivirus software installed. If you do not wish to purchase a commercial antivirus product, a free antivirus program will be available to download

Will laptops be monitored at home?

When being used at school, these devices will be subject to the standard web filtering applied to all school computers. All internet traffic will be monitored and filtered based on the School policies. When used at home, the School does not monitor any internet access and therefore parents may be more comfortable applying a personal web filtering software package

What happens if the laptop is lost, stolen or broken?

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure their laptop is protected. The School takes no responsibility for damaged, lost or stolen equipment, and strongly recommends that families protect their equipment with private insurance and warranty.

What can students do if the laptop is uncharged at school?

Students must bring their laptop to school fully charged. 

For further information please contact or Brad Tyrrell, Director of Technology. 

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